Get Ready For Winter Pests And Measures To Control Them

Many people are looking forward to winter, but they are also aware that insects and pests might be increasing in number as well. There are certain measures you can take before winter arrives – such as setting up a pest barrier – in order to prevent bugs from entering your home or business.

Winter Pests

As the temperatures start to drop, so do the populations of insects and other pests. This means that homeowners and businesses need to be prepared for a rise in insect infestations this winter. Here are some tips on how to pest control services

• Clean up any areas where food or water can build up, like around drains or leaks. Insects find these places irresistible and will congregate there in search of a meal or place to lay their eggs.

• Seal cracks around windows and doors with caulk or silicone sealant. This will keep cold air out and warm air in, preventing insects from entering your home.

• Keep screens on all exterior windows and doors clean so they don’t act as an insect breeding ground.

• Use insecticides registered for outdoor use on outdoor plants, shrubs, and trees. This will help control bugs that are attracted to foliage during the colder months.

What Do Pests Eat During Winter?

Winter is a time when many pests go into hiding. However, there are still some that will make an appearance. Pests that eat during winter include aphids, borers, beetles, moths, and rodents. Here are some tips on how to control them: 

1. Aphids: Aphids are small, green, soft-bodied insects that feed on plant sap. They can be controlled by using an insecticidal soap or rubbing alcohol. You can also spray the plants with a water hose to wash them off.

2. Beetles: Beetles are small, brown or black insects that can be very destructive to garden plants. They can be controlled by using a homemade bug spray made of garlic, oil, and water. You can also use pyrethrum or lambda cyhalothrin to control beetles in gardens.

3. Moths: Moths are small creatures that feed on fabric and other materials such as paper and insulation. They can be controlled by using natural insecticides such as diatomaceous earth or Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). You can also vacuum the moth larvae and destroy their eggs.

How Can You Reduce The Amount Of Pests In Your Home During The Winter?

One of the most common pests in the winter is the cockroach. Cockroaches are attracted to warmth and can be found in places like kitchens, bathrooms, and pantries. To reduce the number of cockroaches in your home, make sure to keep your kitchen and bathroom clean and tidy. You can also try using natural cockroaches to control these pests. For other types of pests, such as mice, you can try using traps or repellents.

Other Measures To Control Pests

The winter is a time when pests are most active. Here are some tips to help you get your home in order for the season: 

-Check your smoke detectors and change the batteries as needed.

-Block any potential entry points for pests, including cracks in walls, under doorways and around window sills. 

-Clean up any spilled food or water, which can attract pests. 

-Trim back overgrown plants and remove dead branches. 

-Remove any nests of birds or bats from around your home, which can bring pests with them. 

-Maintain cleanliness and visibility around your home by regularly cleaning exterior surfaces and checking for damage.


Winter is a time when pests and diseases proliferate, so it’s important to be prepared for what’s coming your way. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the common pests that can cause problems during the winter season, and provide tips on how to control them. Armed with this information, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring a pest-free home all winter long! You can contact us for eradicating any level of rodent infestation.