Don’t Want Chemical Sprays In Your Home? Use These 5 Natural Pest Control Remedies

The pest problem is one of the most common household problems all over the world. No matter how careful you’re, you may face bugs or spiders in your home. Pests like bed bugs, flies, and spiders not only give an unhealthy vibe to your house but also instil fear in children and adults. The good news is you can get rid of household pests very quickly as there are hundreds of pest control companies all around your state. They charge a reasonable price and provide pest control service at the earliest. At Pest Control Curtin, you can avail of various types of pest control services without any hassle.

If you’re someone who hates chemical sprays and feels overtly suffocated after the pest control drill, you may like to go for the other alternate solutions. You can use various home remedies to control pests effectively at your house or office. Read more to know 5 best natural pest control remedies that you must try –

5 Natural Pest Control Remedies to Get Rid of Pests

1. Essential Oil

As you know essential oil has many benefits, would love to let you know that essential oil is very helpful in getting rid of pest control at your home. Essential oils like lavender, spearmint, eucalyptus have a strong fragrance which not only refreshes your mind and uplifts your mood but also helps in controlling pesticides at home. Take the essential oil of your choice and mix it with water and use a dispenser to spray this mixture on pest-affected areas such as beds, rugs, sofas, and mats.  

2. Cucumber Peels

Cucumber is often one of the most important vegetables in your refrigerator. It keeps your body dehydrated and makes your skin look healthy. The one lesser-known fact about cucumber is that it is also very handy in controlling various pests at home. They are highly effective in controlling ants of all sizes at home. Spread the cucumber peels near your doors and windows and witness these ants magically disappear from your house. 

3. Detergent

Although detergent is not a naturally occurring remedy; we have added it to the list because of its higher significance. You can use it to make a trap for fruit flies and kill them eventually. Put a detergent powder in a bowl of water and add apple cider vinegar or wine to it. The strong fragrance of the mixture will attract fruit flies. This is one of the most innovative and easiest ways to get rid of fruit flies from your home. 

4. Salt

Getting rid of ants and fleas cannot get any easier anymore. All you have to do is sprinkle some salt near doors and windows. For fleas, sprinkle a handful of salt on carpet or rugs as fleas are often found near them. If you’re a dog parent or any pet owner, you have to be extra careful for them as fleas often cause a lot of skin damage to them. Sprinkle salt on your pets and their beddings to prevent fleas. 

5. Baking Soda

If you’re tired and frustrated from cockroaches, you must know that baking soda is a foe for them. When mixed with a handful of brown sugar, it acts as a poison and kills off the cockroaches and bugs instantly leaving some of you with some mess that you have to clean afterwards. 

Avail Pest Control Services at Reasonable Price

We have already told you some of the home remedies that you can try to get rid of bugs and pests. Although these natural remedies give satisfactory results, sometimes there are too many bugs to kill. For that, you can book pest control services from Pest Control Curtin. We use the best industry-grade pest control chemicals and offer reasonable pricing for the same. So, you can get safe, effective and eco-friendly pest control services from us in Curtin.